SQL queries



Did you know how to request ace.wiki SQL queries Fadli Idris 22:16, 25 Buleuën Lapan 2010 (UTC)

I can do them myself with shell access, though I would have to look up what the new sql server names are. Do you have a query you want me to run? Kylu 01:55, 26 Buleuën Lapan 2010 (UTC)
I want to use sql databese on localhost (my computer), if I could? Fadli Idris 07:21, 26 Buleuën Lapan 2010 (UTC)
Well, kinda, sure... I cheat and use the replicated database that's distributed to Toolserver, so it's fairly current to what actually is going on with our sites (Usually within a matter of seconds).
If you really want, you can download database dumps from download.wikimedia.org and access them on your system, but they're considerably older, so it depends what you want to do. If you want up-to-date statistics, generally either have someone run a SQL query for you or request your own account. If you're not terribly picky about how old the data is, go for the download.
If you'd like to start your own Acehnese Wikipedia (though, not being associated with the WMF, you'd have to use a different name than "Wikipedia" of course), it might be easiest to bulk-export articles from here and importing them into your own local MediaWiki install, instead, and then you'd have full local control of the database via SQL, not merely restricted to performing SELECTs.
This all depends greatly on what you're wanting to do, of course. Let me know if you have any other questions or want advice. Kylu 19:31, 26 Buleuën Lapan 2010 (UTC)
Oh, I just thought of something... the database schema is available at tswiki:Database schema if you'd like to write your own queries and have me run them for you. The full database schema for MediaWiki is at mw:Manual:Database layout, but a significant amount of that data (simple example, user_email and user_password) is not available for viewing, either via the downloads or feed replication. Kylu 21:53, 26 Buleuën Lapan 2010 (UTC)